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Proposal to generate immediate employment
in communities, victims of the pandemic
Building infrastructure of railway lines
Perhaps the worst is,
the LOST hope of people
The GENERAL situation post-Covid:
The economic and health crisis as a result of the Covid Pandemic, has generated uncertainty about the future. This forces us to search for alternatives as can alleviate the hunger and unemployment in a way as must be executed in short terms, in addition to benefiting directly to the population.
To overcome this we have to look for something different from Social Assistance, as too can be implemented in a short time - as said to directly benefit the common population.
Laying Rails
![[ img - railLayingCrew.jpg ]](imgp/railLayingCrew.jpg)
![[ img - manPower.jpg ]](imgp/manPower.jpg)
![[ img - railroadLeadership.jpg ]](imgp/railroadLeadership.jpg)
- today as formerly
Our task is: To bring back "the HOPE" to the people
Investing in Infrastructure is one of the options. Any infrastructure - big or small!
Among them, the construction of railway lines is one as attract more attention, by providing benefit - compared to 'social assistance'.
The rails will remain useful for many generations.
Tactically it is rather genial to activate a "class-3 investment" (profit) to obtain a "class-1 purpose" (need) - and thus transfer feasibility into an emergency situation.
Such manoeuvre is not always possible.
The four steps with a domino effect:
1): Generate employment - Hiring local labor.
A railroad construction project will provide an option for the employment of skilled and unskilled labor forces, and these jobs could be filled by the population of the region, where the railroad is built - creating work as source for employment for the resident population in areas where poverty normally is dominant
2): An effect on local activity: A railway - when it is finished - is going to serve the countryside and make it easier for civil society to transport anything like people and cargo - and for its connections with neighboring regions, it will provide options for the development of local professional activities, for example agricultural and industrial activities.
3): A railway needs crew members: The existence of a railway system requires teams for its operations and maintenance of the railroad and its traffic systems - but too teams to maintenance of its rolling stock such as locomotives and wagons.
4): The mines can open up and work: The existence of a railroad in the mountain ranges will allow the mines to open, produce and expand their production with the advantage of a transport system, as can handle a Massive Flow of minerals from the quarries to their collection site on the coast - ready for export.
More mineral extraction will generate more employment for mining workers - and too perhaps, for a process industry. But before we can start the physical construction of the railroad, we need to complete some preparations, and how to fulfill it quickly is a part of the PUSAC proposal.
The explanation is simple: Choose 'the Experience' abroad - Get it and buy it!
The proposal of PUSAC
Although the government has been giving away bonds to compensate for the lack of employment as effect of the pandemic, this proposal will facilitate useful social projects that can deliver help as are not a lost benefit, but rather represent a payment for services rendered, which will boost the economy of communities and small towns affected by the pandemic.
The objective of this proposal aim to fulfil the physical construction of a railway line for mining transportation in the shortest possible time.
The PUSAC proposal is based on known and proven technology. Directly transferred to Peru and then adapted to the Peruvian reality.
The Achilles heel is the traditional Latin bureaucracy that can easily consume a large amount of time and money.
A new Autonomous Authority for railways:
For this reason, our proposal presupposes the creation of an Autonomous and Independent Authority, which can take care of building the railways - cooperating with ministries and authorities but also with regional and municipal governments
This recipe is our contribution to rebuild Peru!2. CHOOSE the best construction concept that can be adapted to Peru
3. NEGOTIATE access to the Know How.
4. TRANSFER the entire and complete railway system adapting it to Peruvian reality.
The role of PUSAC
1. We have developed the formula and guide for this railway project, and we deliver it without obligation, free of charge - to disposition of the State authorities.
It will also be published on our website: www.pusac.org - for the benefit of post-covid Peru.
2. This proposal is expected to be carried out as a public project by the state - with an autonomous entity that can facilitate the execution and administration.