- is a locomotive for the economy - but without rails
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THERE IS A DIFFERENCE between railways and trains:
Railroads, railways, ways, tracks, roads and motorways are all infrastructure, and therefore property of the society - of the citizens
Trains are property of the carriers, the transport-companies (just as cars on the roads)
On a railway for mines can run any type of trains, inclusive passenger trains and common cargo trains - together with the heavy material from the mines
A railroad for mines hold its own feasibility by the flow from the mines paying for their transit
And the mines need a railway to create their flow - Because without flow there is no business
But the mines can't build railways, because they doesn't have any rights nor responsability outside the border of their concession - and they can't expropriate nothing.
Therefore it is the society as have the initiative
If there is no flow garantized by the mines, the people along the route need to create a flow, as can make the railway line economical practicable.
If they can't create sufficient flow (cargo and/or passsengers) as can pay, the people need to give up and leave their railway
- that is what happened with the Central Railway in Peru (FCA) - leaving transport of passengers
Any Local, Regional or National government (MEF) can borrow some Giga-Dollares from World Bank or IDB - or from any bank
The mines can GARANTIZE this loans with the purpose to lower the rent - the don't need to invest directly
The bill as the mines have to pay for tons x kilometers transported over rails is what will reimburse (x años) the loan - and free the mines for their commitment of guarantee MORTGAGE is a financial tool directed at REAL ESTATE already build
The key concept is to replace a personal bank guarantee for the construction works with a more permanent guarantee on basis of the same real estate just build
Condition: without creation of an autonomous authority - a new ENAFER - Peru will not be able obtain a railway
TIME plan for a speedy project
We need 1 year for research, to look for and choose a model for a railway and then to transfer the technology
We need 3-4 years to organize and construct physically the rails - inclisive the expropriations
The quickest PROCEDURE is:
1): Identificate the best suited railway in the World - a task for the authorities and experts
2): Negotiate and purchase their technology - a task for the economists and technicians
3): Transfer the technology to the Andean reality - a task for the engineers
4): Fisically construct a railway for Las Bambas - massive employment for men and women from the villages
5): After that expand a railway network to all the mines of Apurimac, Cusco, Ayacucho and Ica - more employment for the country people
6): Recycle the technology for a next railway as Cajamarca or Pucallpa - task for the engineers and constructors
COSTS for the railroad for Las Bambas is considered to some Giga-Dollars
To compare:
Perú is a mine country by excelence. They export Gold, Silver, Copper, Zinc, Lead, Phosphate etc etc
The value of the exportation of metalic mineral is over 50 Giga-Dollares a year - that is a value as is equal to several railways to Las Bambas
Klaus Lynge EUR ING
To construct a railroad will be a locomotive for massive employment in a time of pamdemic
We could say: Building af infraestructure of any type at once will create MASSIVE EMPLOYMENT
for men and women in a pandemic age - and that is what we want.
NOTE: a great part of the costs for construction is used for payment to workers and employed
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page 2 - the principles for Railways
Mining transport
If Peru want to construct just NOW
Peru don't need to waste time in a self-development of railway technology
All technologies are at disposal in some place of the World - to study, adapt and tailor to the reality of the Andes mountains
Identificar - Negociar - Transferir -
Identify - Negotiate - Transfer -
Railroads as a social work
ATTENTION (warning):
Any human activity has an impact - too on the nature
The following pages will walk around and explain the many aspects of the proposed rail project.
The undefined invoice
We have not been able to define a fixed price for the construction, because nobody has made any decisions about where, how and who - or how long, what size etc. We have given an indication of the amount of money needed as an estimated lump sum like "some GigaDollars" and that's it.
But we have proposed a coordination with the owners of the mines to obtain a more economical BANK GUARANTEE for the financing of the construction, and we have expressed the proposal to establish a Mortgage system for real estate - useful too for the railway when build.
The World will move for money
Without enough money we can't do much, but like any project: results will only be achieved by organization
. Therefore the first recommendation is to CREATE an AUTONOMOUS AUTHORITY - an ENAFER - with the task to organize and build - and after then manage the railways of Peru.
The impacts
We talk about the economic impact but also the social impact and the ecological and climate impact However. We recommend starting the project for social reasons - NOW -
Because Peru is in a strong economic depression due to the exaggerated blocking of activities in the time of Covid.
But the company will get a good price-utility ratio because mining railways are very feasible
No trains - only rails
We have removed rolling stock from public investments because it is 100% imported stuff and has no economic impact on the population. Rolling Stock is the obligation of private carriers and transport users to buy what they need, just as they do with their cars on public roads.
Production and regeneration of energy
A mining transport system - ¿could it really generate its own energy?
A mining transport system ¿that it will never consume energy?
Off Hydropower plants we have many in the Andes.
By passing 1 million tons of water to a turbine, certain electrical energy can be generated - thus by downloading an equivalent million of mineral theoretically and scientifically we can generate the same amounts of electrical energy. That we know.
There will be loss in energy transformations, that is all we know, because in this we have very little experience.
But in all circumstances we have the option of generating and regenerating energy - and that is what is important
We still have the problem to solve: How would be the best way to accumulate the generated energy?
By batteries in the locomotive - or in a hydraulic reservoir of the hydro-electric network? ??
The Option to generate own energy - Something like a "Fata Morgana" = an illusion - or not?
The dream is: start a loaded train from Las Bambas, drive it up the eastern slope, pass the pass in 4300 meters and go down to a port in Marcona.
The hope is to generate so much energy that the train has enough to return empty from Marcona, climb the western slope and go down to 'Las Bambas'
Still an utopia ? ??
Post Note: 'Las Bambas' is located at 4000 meters altitude and 360km in direct line from the port of Marcona.
The distance by road to 'Las Bambas' is 7-900km and takes 17-19 hours by car.